Tag Archives: Africa

Coronation: Celebration of Colonialism

6 May

Colonialism: Slavery, Genocide, Looting, Hoarding Wealth….

I saw on Twitter that Chuck’s coronation is today. Not only is he deeply unlikable, and odd (using I wish I was your TAMPON in dirty-talk??!) in choosing Camilla over Dianna??? The timing? When so many people are hurting because of Covid and the economy. Flaunting such garish fortune at taxpayer expense-it’s sociopathic, honestly. But King Charles is also a symbol. Monarchy should not exist in this year 2023 (should have ended when the beloved Queen Elizabeth passed) and is directly tied to colonialism, white supremacy, genocide, slavery, reservations, the fact there ARE 3rd world countries- having everything of value looted and pillaged, classism, amassing wealth, and elitism. Based on bloodline and embedded in antiquated tradition. It’s nothing to celebrate, especially without thinking about HOW this family came to be in their position of power. And who they had to subjugate in order to be there.