Tag Archives: inventory

Pre-Packing: Lists/Inventory [Moving Tips Series]

11 Mar

Irreplaceable Items

Not just like, ‘hmmm, which of my things do I like and what do I want to keep?’ bc ummm, everything???! I’m talking like literally so special/valuable/unique/sentimental that you couldn’t get it again no matter the amount of money.

Find a way to fit these in the vehicle with you! Do not trust these items with anyone else. Seriously.

special/valuable jewelry (especially if it’s small, it’s worth it to just take with you)


your important documents: SSC, birth certificate, etc…

art (drawings you’ve done, paintings commissioned, etc…)

[for actual valuable art: People who own this probably already have it insured and either know or have a community that knows the best way to move this stuff. I’m referring to cheap but sentimental hand-drawings I did, and a beautiful maine coon painting a coworker did for me, not a Banksy]



Physical photos (try to get everything into an electronic format so you don’t have to move these)

special clothes like your baby’s first whatever, or your prom dress


family heirlooms

instruments (though I hid-packed mine bc the car was tight with needfuls, valuables, and cats)

Work computer equipment fell into this category for us on the latest move, just because we were moving far away from physical work locations and didn’t want to deal with it. But we had sent second monitors and computer accessories with the moving company moving to St. Louis where our company was headquartered because it would have been a bit easier to deal around with it when we were right there. That’s a judgement call on your part.