Tag Archives: transphobia

Homophobic Language: From Problematic to Dog Whistle to Hate

11 Jan

It’s all bad. The tone (of voice), word choice, sentiment, and underlying message all combine to convey a message. It’s our job to sniff out, then call out any whiff of homophobia. Because in this year 2024, when legislation is increasingly terrifying for the marginalized, ANY amount of negativity toward LGBTQQIAA (and other ethnic, racial, social groups, but this needs to be focused discussion) individuals or groups is too much.

***Trigger Warning***

Look at the following Southern Poverty Law Center designated hate groups:


None of those groups are explicitly named God Hates F@gs! It’s difficult to tell at first glance that such groups might even be problematic…

Now, to the (non-exhaustive) list of more subtle and sometimes outright hateful words/phrases/sentiments:

traditional family values

it’s impolite to talk about

it’s inappropriate to publish essays/articles about the queercoding in Taylor’s media output


Gaylors are freaks

homosexuals are mentally ill

Kaylors are delusional

morality (clause)

questionable assertions

protecting children

homosexuals are predatory

…discussing the potential of a star’s queerness [my interjection of similarly “invasive” and “salacious” examples that media and individuals felt just fine covering ad nauseum: Kurt Cobain’s suicide, Brangelina, JLo’s marriages and sex life, Kim’s sex tape, messy divorce, and mentally ill ex-husband, Tina Turner’s DV, Britney’s parenting and sanity (and freedom), Amber Heard’s abuse accusations, fighting details, and in-court body language, Emma Stone’s baby’s father, and Taylor and Joe’s secret marriage, etc, etc, etc…] before a formal declaration of identity feels, to some, too salacious and gossip-fueled to be worthy of discussion.”

lover the sinner, hate the sin

homosexuals are going to hell

Adam and Steve

it’s a choice

it’s rude to speculate someone is queer

they’re flaunting it

they’re lewd

they’re oversexualized

“There seems to be no boundary some journalists won’t cross when writing about Taylor, regardless of how invasive, untrue, and inappropriate it is – all under the protective veil of an ‘opinion piece,’” the person [with no self-awareness cited as “anonymous associate close to the situation”] added.

live and let live

as long as they don’t throw it in my face

Gaylors are invasive

homosexuals can do whatever they want in private

it’s the same as beastiality

Gaylors are gross

it’s unnatural

special rights

entitlement programs

gay agenda

making up fan-fiction [vs noticing details]

homosexuals recruit

homosexuals indoctrinate children

don’t say gay

gay lifestyle

blaming homosexual activity for natural disasters

gay plague

AIDS is a punishment

gay panic (defense)

OK groomer

gay men are promiscuous

gay men can’t be monogamous

LGBTP (made up acronym that includes pedophile)

[Taylor Swift] previously denied the insinuations [negative connotation]

bisexuals are just greedy

bisexuals are cheaters

bisexuals just haven’t picked a side

everyone is a little bit bi

all women fantasize about other women

they’re just friends/sisters

women kissing women doesn’t make you gay

It is highly unusual for a reputable [an insinuation that the article is NOT reputable] news organization like The Times to publish an article speculating on a person’s sexuality [vs. noticing queer flagging in Swift’s own body of work, eras, and performances].

you just haven’t had the right dick

sexual abuse caused her to be queer


can I watch?

unicorn hunters

don’t accuse someone of being gay

protect women

biological women in sports

gendered bathrooms





Show Them Pride is More Than A Party

12 Apr

I’m writing this under the assumption you’ve researched the origins of Pride, and have also seen a current day Pride. If you haven’t, you have homework before reading this.

2023 brings many far-right political attacks targeting Pride Parades (and a litany of other anti-LGBTQ issues).

Combine that with the Rainbow Capitalism and corporatization of Pride that the community is wary of.

This presents us a perfect opportunity: This year Pride should forgo the rainbows, flags, and money-spending. Do something really radical- This year Pride is all black and white. It would be a stark contrast to the rainbow events of late. We treat Pride as more of a remembrance and protest. No random corporate parade entries or merch. Everyone in the Pride Parade is there representing their LGBTQQA organization, or showing up as evidence of their existence, since the community is still largely invisible to straights. The LGBTQQAA community still appears in droves and gets a day to be with like-minded people, is visible to larger society. But we show them Pride is for a purpose not just a party or spending.

Instead of the gold hotpants, the gay boys just toe the line and go black/white bicycle shorts. The drag queens still make an appearance, but in only black and/or white. PFLAG, the bears, leather daddies, dykes on bikes–all there. Everyone in black and white. Somber in our demands for equal treatment. Nobody gets arrested, but make their point anyway. We don’t need an ostentatious party (every year) to demand rights and provide representation. We show the straights, it’s not all fun and games we are the same people we have always been even when the rainbows are turned to mournful attire. It’s not giving up and adhering to social norms–it’s proving that we’re celebrating Pride for a reason.

It would be impactful to do an all black & white Pride for one year. Like talking softly in a screaming match, it would garner attention and show that we exist, we want equal rights, and we mean business–whatever color we’re wearing.

Taylor Swift’s Gay Moments: Lover ~ Me!

20 Mar


I know I never think before I jump…/…And trouble’s gonna follow where I go…/…But one of these things is not like the others/Like a rainbow with all of the colors/Baby doll, when it comes to a lover/I promise that you’ll never find another like/Me-e-e…/…I know you never get just what you see…/…Spelling is fun!…/…Strike the band up, one, two, three